Choose OmniGraffle Preferences General Inspectors and turn on Hide inspectors that don't apply. Using the Inspectors. By default, OmniGraffle’s inspectors reside in a sidebar just to the right of the Canvas. However, you can also open the inspectors as a floating window,. When you create a new document in OmniGraffle, one of the first things you might consider doing is taking a pass through the Canvas Inspectors; here’s a brief overview. Use the Canvas Size inspector to choose a Canvas Mode (Fixed, Flexible, or Infinite), and define the printing options for this canvas. Panic releases transmit 5 for mac. Fixed: A canvas with its width and height set to a specific size; for.
Omnigraffle On Windows 10
Member I have no problem drawing precise lines that do not snap to the magnets of shapes. Just choose a clear part of your canvas that does not have many shapes in it. Auto-attraction of lines (at least on my OGP 4) is only within 0.4cm. Draw, holding ⇧ down, if you want straight lines on the cardinal axes or diagonals. Get the exact length you want either using the ruler (watch the dotted lines move on the ruler) or the Inspector/Properties/Geometry. Pick the line up and move it where you want (eg. where there may be many shapes that would invite a snap). You can lock a line or shape, so that further changes are prevented. In the Inspector/Properties/Magnets, You can also turn off all magnets or remove specific magnets from shapes, useful for shapes that you do not want lines auto-snapping to them. Cheers |
Omnigraffle For Windows
- © 1994–2020 The Omni Group; Apple, MacBook, the Apple logo, iPad, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. And other countries.
- OmniGraffle General: 1: 2010-07-07 06:51 AM: Complete noob question about making wireframes: The Jones Boy: OmniGraffle General: 0: 2010-02-17 02:14 AM: Vertical text.