Tomcat Httpd


Tomcat and httpd configured in port 8080 and 80

Tomcat is a Java based web application container, is open source and entire free to use (Tomcat is released under the Apache software license). Tomcat is developed by a group of voluntary programmers. I have few questions regarding the Apache HTTPD server and the Tomcat web server port configurations. Through netstat and TOMCAT/conf/server.xml I understand that: 80 and 443 ports are used by Apache for HTTP and HTTPS requests respectively. 8080 and 8443 ports are used by Tomcat for HTTP and HTTPS requests respectively.

By: Emiley J Printer Friendly Format

It’s been almost 12 years I started using Apache Tomcat. I believe when I did my 1st under grade project, it was on Tomcat version 1.x. Now it’s already on version 8.0. Mostly I’ve been in touch with Tomcat Server in my daily work life, simply can’t live without it. On Crunchify we have already published almost 40 articles on Apache Tomcat. Apache is faster at serving static content than Tomcat. But unless you have a high traffic site, this point is useless. But in some scenarios, tomcat can be faster than Apache httpd. So benchmark YOUR site. Tomcat can perform at httpd speeds when using the proper connector (APR with sendFile enabled). Introduction Using Apache httpd as a proxy to an Apache Tomcat application container is a common setup. It comes with many use cases, the most trivial is serving static content from httpd, while providing services implementing heavy business logic from an application written in Java that resides in the Tomcat container.

When you install Tomcat in your server, by default it uses port 8080. Typically in a linux system, you can install apache2 or httpd as a web server that handles the default port 80 and then uses mod_proxy to send requests to Tomcat at port 8080 for sites hosted in Tomcat.

httpd (or apache2) are great for hosting multiple websites (multiple domains) in a single server. In this example, we will install, httpd in port 80 and Tomcat7 in port 8080 and then configure both of them to handle requests seamlessly.

Install and configure httpd

  • yum install httpdYou could ofcourse use apt-get instead of yum depending on your platform
  • vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    Look for the following modules and enable them if they are not already enabled
    LoadModule proxy_module modules/
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
    Then uncomment, the following line
    NameVirtualHost *:80
    Uncomment the following lines at the bottom and change it to point to your default domain.
    Save and close the file by pressing 'Esc' and the typing :wq! and Enter.
  • service httpd start

Intall and configure tomcat7

  • yum install tomcat7-webapps tomcat7-docs-webapp tomcat7-admin-webapps
  • under /etc/httpd/conf.d create a file named mytomcatapp.conf and copy the below code

You have now installed both httpd and tomcat7 and configured them. You now have to start/restart both services

service httpd restart
service tomcat7 restart

Now when you goto your in your browser, the request is direclty handled by httpd service and the index file from your /var/www/html folder will be returned to the browser.

If you goto in your browser, the request will be forwarded by httpd service to the tomcat7 internally and your tomcat application will serve the pages.

The domains and are used for illustration purposes only. You have to use your own valid domains, and the DNS A records have to be created to point to the IP address of your server

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