Dbeaver Mysql Connector

Dbeaver mysql connection refused

  • I have a MySQL database on AWS. Here are some of the settings: DB instance id - database-2 Endpoint - database-2.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com Port - 3306 Public accessibility - true DB name.
  • 1 Select an Alias for your database connection. This will be the name of this specific connection to the database. 2 Select 'MySql' from the list of DBMS (Database Management Systems).; 3 The driver for your database will be automatically downloaded for you in the folder. C:UsersYourUser.DbSchemadriversMySql (Windows).

Right click your connection, choose 'Edit Connection' On the 'Connection settings' screen (main screen) click on 'Edit Driver Settings' Click on 'Connection properties' Right click the 'user properties' area and choose 'Add new property'.

This article will explain what are JDBC drivers, how to download the MySql JDBC driver and how to connect to MySql using DbSchema Free Database Designer.

What are JDBC Drivers?

Dbeaver Mysql Connector Tutorial

JDBC drivers are Java library files with the extension .jar used by all Java applications to connect to the database. Usually, they are provided by the same company which implemented the MySql software. DbSchema Tool already includes an MySql driver, which is automatically downloaded when you connect to MySql.

What is the JDBC URL?

Each JDBC driver is using a specific URL. The URL is a string (text) with a specific format, containing information about the host where the database is running, the port, username, database name, etc. The format is specific to each driver. Any wrong character in the URL may make the database connectivity fail, therefore we recommend installing DbSchema and try to get connected. Then you can find the right URL directly in the DbSchema connection dialog.

MySql JDBC Driver

  • Required File(s): mysql-connector-java-nn-bin.jar
  • Java Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  • URL: jdbc:mysql://{HOST}[:{PORT}][/{DB}]
  • Website: MySQL

The driver files are compressed in a zip file.

for any issues with the driver, you can write to us.


Enable Remote Access on MySql Server

By default MySql does not allow connecting from another machine as the one where the server is installed.You can enable remote access during installation ( see the next chapter ) or later using the instructions below.
  • On the server type in the command prompt or terminal mysql -u root -p <root_password> The mysql console should start.
  • List the databases using show databases
  • View the configured grants using select * from db;
  • Enable remote access for a user foo using GRANT ALL ON foo.* TO bar@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'; Here you have to edit the user ( put your user instead of foo ), the IP of the client machine and the root password.
If this didn't help, please try to search the web for tutorials.Dbeaver Mysql Connector

Dbeaver Mysql Connection Error

MySql Installation Tips

Install MySql from http://www.mysql.com. During installation go for a detailed install, and when you are prompted for the user password check the 'Enable root access from remote machines'.

Enabling this you will be allowed to connect to MySql from another computer. Remember the password you set here, it will be requested when connecting to the database as user root.

Connect to MySql using DbSchema Free Edition

Installing DbSchema Free edition will help to test the database connectivity and the JDBC driver URL.

When the download finished please follow this steps: