TM Error Logger

  1. Tm Error Logger Iphone
  2. Tm Error Logger Windows 10
  3. Tsm Error Log
  4. Tm Error Logger Google

The fully redesigned Dickson Display Logger (DSB) incorporates features from our best selling devices into non-connected units. With the logger, it’s easy to collect temperature and humidity data from Dickson’s Replaceable Sensors. Let Dickson be proactive about your data so you don’t have to be! Run TM Error Logger after you get the Time Machine error and you will get a report showing which file or folder caused the error. Click on 'Open Problem Folder' to reveal the folder containing the problem. TM Error Logger will poll the system log every 30 minutes looking for Time Machine Errors. The above three packets represent the first USB transaction. The USB device will now decode the 8 bytes received, and determine if it was a device descriptor request. The strftime function formats the broken-down time tm according to the format specification format and places the result in the character array s of size max. The format specification is a null-terminated string and may contain special character sequences called conversion specifications, each of which is introduced by a '%' character and terminated by some other character known as a.

Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source (usually a relational database) using the JavaTM programming language. This API includes a framework whereby differentdrivers can be installed dynamically to access different data sources.Although the JDBCTM API is mainly geared to passing SQL statements to a database, it provides for reading andwriting data from any data source with a tabular format.The reader/writer facility, available through the javax.sql.RowSet group of interfaces, can be customized touse and update data from a spread sheet, flat file, or any other tabular data source.

What the JDBCTM 4.1 API Includes

The JDBCTM 4.1 API includes boththe java.sql package, referred to as the JDBC core API,and the javax.sql package, referred to as the JDBC OptionalPackage API. This complete JDBC APIis included in the JavaTM Standard Edition (Java SETM), version 7.The javax.sql package extends the functionality of the JDBC API from a client-side API to a server-side API, and it is an essential partof the JavaTM Enterprise Edition(Java EETM) technology.


Tm Error Logger Iphone

The JDBC 4.1 API incorporates all of the previous JDBC API versions:
  • The JDBC 4.0 API
  • The JDBC 3.0 API
  • The JDBC 2.1 core API
  • The JDBC 2.0 Optional Package API
    (Note that the JDBC 2.1 core API and the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package API together are referred to as the JDBC 2.0 API.)
  • The JDBC 1.2 API
  • The JDBC 1.0 API

Classes, interfaces, methods, fields, constructors, and exceptions have the following 'since' tags that indicate when they were introduced into the Java platform. When these 'since' tags are used inJavadocTM comments for the JDBC API,they indicate the following:

  • Since 1.7 -- new in the JDBC 4.1 API and part of the Java SE platform, version 7
  • Since 1.6 -- new in the JDBC 4.0 API and part of the Java SE platform, version 6
  • Since 1.4 -- new in the JDBC 3.0 API and part of the J2SE platform, version 1.4
  • Since 1.2 -- new in the JDBC 2.0 API and part of the J2SE platform, version 1.2
  • Since 1.1 or no 'since' tag -- in the original JDBC 1.0 API and part of the JDKTM, version 1.1

NOTE: Many of the new features are optional; consequently, there is some variation in drivers and the features they support. Always check your driver's documentation to see whether it supports a feature beforeyou try to use it.

NOTE: The class SQLPermission was added in theJavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.3 release. This class is used to prevent unauthorizedaccess to the logging stream associated with the DriverManager,which may contain information such as table names, column data, and so on.

What the java.sql Package Contains

The Errorjava.sql package contains API for the following:
  • Making a connection with a database via the DriverManager facility
    • DriverManager class -- makes a connection with a driver
    • SQLPermission class -- provides permission when code running within a Security Manager, such as an applet, attempts to set up a logging stream through the DriverManager
    • Driver interface -- provides the API for registering and connecting drivers based on JDBC technology ('JDBC drivers'); generally used only by the DriverManager class
    • DriverPropertyInfo class -- provides properties for a JDBC driver; not used by the general user
  • Sending SQL statements to a database
    • Statement -- used to send basic SQL statements
    • PreparedStatement -- used to send prepared statements or basic SQL statements (derived from Statement)
    • CallableStatement -- used to call database stored procedures (derived from PreparedStatement)
    • Connection interface -- provides methods for creating statements and managing connections and their properties
    • Savepoint -- provides savepoints in a transaction
  • Retrieving and updating the results of a query
    • ResultSet interface
  • Standard mappings for SQL types to classes and interfaces in the Java programming language
    • Array interface -- mapping for SQL ARRAY
    • Blob interface -- mapping for SQL BLOB
    • Clob interface -- mapping for SQL CLOB
    • Date class -- mapping for SQL DATE
    • NClob interface -- mapping for SQL NCLOB
    • Ref interface -- mapping for SQL REF
    • RowId interface -- mapping for SQL ROWID
    • Struct interface -- mapping for SQL STRUCT
    • SQLXML interface -- mapping for SQL XML
    • Time class -- mapping for SQL TIME
    • Timestamp class -- mapping for SQL TIMESTAMP
    • Types class -- provides constants for SQL types
  • Custom mapping an SQL user-defined type (UDT) to a class in the Java programming language
    • SQLData interface -- specifies the mapping of a UDT to an instance of this class
    • SQLInput interface -- provides methods for reading UDT attributes from a stream
    • SQLOutput interface -- provides methods for writing UDT attributes back to a stream
  • Metadata
    • DatabaseMetaData interface -- provides information about the database
    • ResultSetMetaData interface -- provides information about the columns of a ResultSet object
    • ParameterMetaData interface -- provides information about the parameters to PreparedStatement commands
  • Exceptions
    • SQLException -- thrown by most methods when there is a problem accessing data and by some methods for other reasons
    • SQLWarning -- thrown to indicate a warning
    • DataTruncation -- thrown to indicate that data may have been truncated
    • BatchUpdateException -- thrown to indicate that not all commands in a batch update executed successfully

java.sql and javax.sql Features Introduced in the JDBC 4.1 API

  • Allow Connection, ResultSet and Statement objects to be used with the try-with-resources statement
  • Supported added to CallableStatement and ResultSet to specify the Java type to convert to via the getObject method
  • DatabaseMetaData methods to return PseudoColumns and if a generated key is always returned
  • Added support to Connection to specify a database schema, abort and timeout a physical connection.
  • Added support to close a Statement object when its dependent objects have been closed
  • Support for obtaining the parent logger for a Driver, DataSource, ConnectionPoolDataSource and XADataSource

java.sql and javax.sql Features Introduced in the JDBC 4.0 API

  • auto java.sql.Driver discovery -- no longer need to load a java.sql.Driver class via Class.forName
  • National Character Set support added
  • Support added for the SQL:2003 XML data type
  • SQLException enhancements -- Added support for cause chaining; New SQLExceptions added for common SQLState class value codes
  • Enhanced Blob/Clob functionality -- Support provided to create and free a Blob/Clob instance as well as additional methods added to improve accessiblity
  • Support added for accessing a SQL ROWID
  • Support added to allow a JDBC application to access an instance of a JDBC resource that has been wrapped by a vendor, usually in an application server or connection pooling environment.
  • Availability to be notified when a PreparedStatement that is associated with a PooledConnection has been closed or the driver determines is invalid

java.sql and javax.sql Features Introduced in the JDBC 3.0 API

  • Pooled statements -- reuse of statements associated with a pooled connection
  • Savepoints -- allow a transaction to be rolled back to a designated savepoint
  • Properties defined for ConnectionPoolDataSource -- specify how connections are to be pooled
  • Metadata for parameters of a PreparedStatement object
  • Ability to retrieve values from automatically generated columns
  • Ability to have multiple ResultSet objects returned from CallableStatement objects open at the same time
  • Ability to identify parameters to CallableStatement objects by name as well as by index
  • ResultSet holdability -- ability to specify whether cursors should be held open or closed at the end of a transaction
  • Ability to retrieve and update the SQL structured type instance that a Ref object references
  • Ability to programmatically update BLOB, CLOB, ARRAY, and REF values.
  • Addition of the java.sql.Types.DATALINK data type -- allows JDBC drivers access to objects stored outside a data source
  • Addition of metadata for retrieving SQL type hierarchies

java.sql Features Introduced in the JDBC 2.1 Core API

  • Scrollable result sets--using new methods in the ResultSet interface that allow the cursor to be moved to a particular row or to a position relative to its current position
  • Batch updates
  • Programmatic updates--using ResultSet updater methods
  • New data types--interfaces mapping the SQL3 data types
  • Custom mapping of user-defined types (UDTs)
  • Miscellaneous features, including performance hints, the use of character streams, full precision for java.math.BigDecimal values, additional security, and support for time zones in date, time, and timestamp values.

javax.sql Features Introduced in the JDBC 2.0 OptionalPackage API

  • The DataSource interface as a means of making a connection. The Java Naming and Directory InterfaceTM (JNDI) is used for registering a DataSource object with a naming service and also for retrieving it.
  • Pooled connections -- allowing connections to be used and reused
  • Distributed transactions -- allowing a transaction to span diverse DBMS servers
  • RowSet technology -- providing a convenient means of handling and passing data

Custom Mapping of UDTs

A user-defined type (UDT) defined in SQL can be mapped to a class in the Javaprogramming language. An SQL structured type or an SQL DISTINCTtype are the UDTs that may be custom mapped. The following threesteps set up a custom mapping:
  1. Defining the SQL structured type or DISTINCT type in SQL
  2. Defining the class in the Java programming language to which the SQL UDT will be mapped. This class must implement the SQLData interface.
  3. Making an entry in a Connection object's type map that contains two things:
    • the fully-qualified SQL name of the UDT
    • the Class object for the class that implements the SQLData interface

When these are in place for a UDT, calling the methodsResultSet.getObject or CallableStatement.getObject on that UDT will automatically retrieve the custom mapping for it. Also, thePreparedStatement.setObject method will automatically map theobject back to its SQL type to store it in the data source.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

  • Getting Started--overviews of the major interfaces
  • Chapters on the JDBC API--from the online version of The Java Tutorial Continued
  • JDBCTMAPI Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition--a complete reference and tutorial for the JDBC 3.0 API



Email Notification'Send email for minor errors' now sends an email when there is a minor error if the backup was succesful or not. (When you have that option enabled).



Warn user when using a non-admin account.



Fix - Email Notifications for Mojave or later



Universal app for Intel and Apple Silicon Macs

Compatible with Big Sur



Fix - Could not send email with Catalina

NOTE: Updated 4/13/20 with new code signature to prevent crash with Catalina 10.15.4



No longer a paid app. It is now donationware.

You can donate with Paypal

You can download TM Error Logger here...



Code signed and notarized.

Fix - Possible hang when reading error logs that have single or double quotes.



Fix - Intermittent hangs



Fix - Window intermittently closed when app was hidden.



Fix - Stays hidden when you hide it

Fix - Time out after two minutes if log is too large



Fix - CPU usages was rising when the app was left running in the last version.



Fix - If TM Error Logger was running for several hours, it could stop checking for errors on some Macs.



Fix - Could not quit if Send Emails was enabled.

Fix - Open Problem folder was not working.



Fix - Timer problems (sometimes would not start checking for Time Machine Errors automatically and sometimes would check a few times and stop).



Ignore minor errors for “Operation not permitted” and “snapshot”

Fix - If Time Machine error log was too large, it would say 'Getting Time Machine Errors' until you quit and ran again. It now tells you that the log was too large to read.



New 64-bit version

TM Error Logger is now a 64-bit application.
You will no longer get those warnings from Apple that the app needs to be updated.
The 64-bit re-write required significant programming time and the payment model has been changed to a yearly payment of $9.95



Ignore errors for unmounted recovery volumes in High Sierra



Fix - Change timing so that slower Macs can read the log.
Prevents endless loop of 'Getting Today's Time Machine Log'
Compatible with MacOS 10.12.2 which takes longer to read the log.



If the log is too large to show the whole day, then just show the last 6 hours.



Fix - If the log was too large, it would just say Getting Today’s Time Machine Log but would never show the log errors. It will now let you know when the log is too large to be read.



Fix - automatic notification for upgrades should not check for upgrades when internet is offline.



Feature - This version introduces automatic notification for future upgrades
If you currently have an earlier version 4, then Select Upgrades from the TM Error Logger Menu to get this 4.2.2 upgrade.



Fix - Open Problem Folder was not working for MacOS Sierra for some source errors.

Fix - Changed subject of email if just a Time Machine minor error and the backup completed successfully.
Subject now says 'Time Machine Minor Error' instead of 'Backup Failed'

Fix - Intermittent File #1 errors.



Feature - All successful backups are now listed in the current and previous log.

Feature - Added option to 'Send email if no backups for more than one day'



Fix - Was hanging while getting the Time Machine Error Log and you could not move the window or click on buttons until the error report was done.



Compatible with MacOS Sierra

Feature - Adds an option to send email notifications for minor errors that do not cause the Time Machine Backup to fail.


This version provides an upgrade path to version 4 and lets you know that it is not compatible with MacOS Sierra.

Note that this version and all previous versions do not work on MacOS Sierra (You need version 4)
The symptom is that it always thinks that no backup has been done and it will not report any errors.



Fix - Updates menu item had a broken web page link.



Added information about Time Machine Error: (22) setxattr for



Added Updates menu item to the TM Error Logger menu as a link to the web page for the latest version. (So you can see if you have the latest version and download a new version if necessary).

When an error occurs, the information emailed will now include the last successful backup information if available.



El Capitan...
The backup interval is protected in El Capitan and cannot be changed when System Integrity Protection (SIP) is enabled (and it is enabled by default).
The only way to get TM Error Logger to change the Backup Interval is to disable SIP.
However, you will need to decide if you want to do that because it is a system-wide change and makes your Mac less secure (reduces it to a security level equal to versions of OS X prior to El Capitan.

Fix another false positive for backup drive offline

7/19/17 Update. Backup interval may not work at all in later versions of El Capitan (even if you disable SIP).
Mac OS Sierra only backs up as needed, so there is no need to change the backup interval.
The backup interval option was removed in version 4 of TM Error Logger.



Fix false positives for backup drive offline.



Added tests for Time Machine drive offline.


Email Notification now works with Microsoft Outlook as well as Apple's Mail app.
You can get an email notification when there is a Time Machine backup failure.
(MacOS 10.10 or later required for Outlook Notifications).

However, Apple's Mail app is still the default. You can change that by running the Mail app and selecting Preferences / General / Default email reader

Note that it is possible that Outlook Express and Entourage also work but have not been tested.
They will most likely only work when they have been installed as standalone apps instead of being part of Microsoft Office.

Thunderbird is still not supported due to the lack of Applescript support in that app for sending mail.



Fix - Previous Log was not working to show any Time Machine errors from the previous day.

Fix - 'Run Time Machine Backup Now'
Now compatible with OS X 10.10 Yosemite



Added a check for Assistive devices when you enable email notifications.

Also, added error 1002 Disk Full



Fix - Email Notification was only emailing one person instead of two when 'Send a Copy to' was used.



Fix - Intermittently, email was not sent when there was a Time Machine Error



Fix - Could possibly send an email intermittently saying the backup had failed when there was no failure. The body of the email contained an invisible carriage return when this happened.



Fix - Could possibly send an email intermittently saying the backup had failed when there was no failure. The body of the email was blank when this happened ( a clue that there was no failure ).



Fix - When Email Notification was on and you had too many errors to list, you would get an email every thirty seconds. Now just sends one email as it should.



Fix - Email Notification email was not being remembered if you changed or entered the address and then quit by closing the window.



Feature - You can now get an email notification when there is a Time Machine backup failure.
Click on the Email Notification button
If you want to receive an email when the Time Machine Backup fails, then enable the checkbox 'Send email when backup fails' and enter your email address.



The last version fixed the password entry problem with Snow Leopard but would not remember the backup interval time. Now the interval time is once again remembered.



Fix - Snow Leopard Compatibility. Could not not enter admin password for the backup interval.



Fix - Red text, misspelled word 'sucessful' now correct as 'successful'



Fix - If a problem file is invisible, it will now say (Invisible) in red text.

Fix - Put 'No successful backups reported' in the current log in red if no problems found but also no backups done in the current log.

Fix - New dialog window adds explanation that you may need to reboot for backup interval changes to take effect.

Fix - Show errors in red (even if they are not related to specific files).

Fix - Intermittent SetMenuBarFromNib error when you click on the Backup Interval button



Feature - You can now set the Time Machine backup interval. The default setting is every 1 hour. You can select times from 1 hour up to 24 hours. Added Backup Interval button.

Feature - The window can now be resized.

Feature - Added a dialog box that tells you about .DS_Store files when you click on the button to open the containing folder. If the problem file is .DS_Store, It lets you know they are invisible.



Tm Error Logger Windows 10

Feature / Fix - Installer window now has instructions to drag the TM Error Logger icon to the Applications folder icon.

Fix - Donate Button was blank on Intel Macs.



Fix - The problem item reported in red text was only showing part of a second line of text. Normally, it is just one line and no problem. But can now display two lines for long file names.



Feature - Added -50 error definition to the errors list and also added I/O errors -17 to -24.

Fix - Reset timer to another 30 seconds if the mouse cursor passes over the scroll bar.
This prevents the error log from updating while you are scrolling.
Also changed cursor to arrow cursor for scroll bar instead of pointing hand.



Fix - Today's log can possibly have log data from several days if you do not leave your Mac on at night. Changed 'Today's log' to 'Current Log' and changed 'Yesterday's Log' to 'Previous Log'.

Feature - Added scroll bar.



Fix - If you left the program running overnight and there was an error yesterday but not today, the red problem item would not clear on the today's log screen.

Fix - When you clicked Open Problem Folder, it sometimes said ERROR but did not say what the error was. Then when you clicked again, it said no problem found. The actual problem was that you did not have access privileges to open the folder.



Feature - Added Close Window button. Program now quits when you close the window.

Fix - If there were multiple errors in one day, the problem item shown in red was incorrect.



Feature - Added information to the help file about Time Machine and Spotlight conflicts
(mds 'importer start failed' messages.)

Tsm Error Log



Cosmetic - Changed window design using Interface Builder for more pleasing appearance.
Style changed to Utility Window with gray border area and rounded buttons.



Fix - Program must be run as an Admin User. Previous versions would allow you to run the program as a non administrative user but would not report any errors or successful backups as that user.

Fix - Disk image now opens automatically when you double-click.

Fix - Stopped using grep to read the system log. It was creating unnecessary entries in the system log for TM Error Logger messages.



Feature - Simplified Installer. Now just drag and drop TM Error Logger into the Application Folder.
NOTE: If you are upgrading from a previous version, you can discard the old TM Error Logger Folder. This new version does not use a folder.



Feature - Added 'Error Numbers' button. Now when you get a Time Machine error, you can click on the Error Numbers button to get a list of error numbers and their meanings.



Fix - If there was a Time Machine Error in Today's log and also a successful backup, the error in red would say that the error was 'successful backup'. Huh?
Problem was introduced in version 1.05 and fixed now.



Feature - Show Last Successful Backup message in Today's log.

Fix - If there are multiple errors, the error shown in red is now the last error received instead of the first one.



Feature - TM Error Logger will poll the system log every 30 seconds looking for Time Machine Errors. You can update the window immediately by clicking 'Today's Log' .

Fix - Log updates are now disabled temporarily while you are copying error text into the clipboard. The window no longer blinks when updating.



Feature - The Admin password is no longer required to view Yesterday's Log.

Feature - Look for and report Spotlight conflicts with Time Machine.

Tm Error Logger Google



Fix - Today's log was not showing all Time Machine Errors for the day.



Fix - Some buttons would not work to launch applications on Macs with partitioned hard drives.
(When launching Disk Utility and Time Machine Prefs.)



Initial release